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En Demande

Is En Demande delivery or Click & Collect available?

Yes it is. You can visit https://experienceloccitane.com/ to start shopping!

Can I send a gift to my friend?

Yes! Simply refer to the steps (https://experienceloccitane.com/how-to-gift) on the page.

1. Select the store nearest to your friend's location.
2. Add your gift to cart.
3. Proceed to checkout. Key in your details and your friend's details.
4. Select delivery method: Store pick-up or express delivery.
5. Make payment and share the details of the gift to your friend over WhatsApp/SMS.
6. Track your order status if needed.

"discounts": {}
What can I use my points for?

RM1 = 1 point

300 points = RM15

600 points = RM50

999 points = RM100

1600 points = RM200

2,200 points = RM300

3,500 points = RM520


We've sent you an email with a link to update your password.

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Reset your password

We will send you an email to reset your password.